Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and your Honor, I present you with a case against what we often overlook as a true culprit of our health woes. We’ve all heard the usual suspects: processed foods, sedentary lifestyles, and those sneaky additives—all disruptors of our microbiome and hormone balance which lead to weight gain, illness, and toxicity. But before you reach a verdict, allow me to direct your attention elsewhere. And to consider that, even if such chemicals are meticulously avoided, PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) in our diet are reduced, and exercise is regular, there still remains ONE critical yet unsuspecting culprit in this court of wellness: THE WATER WE DRINK.
It’s been scientifically proven that Bisphenol A (BPA)—a chemical compound used in plastics—causes fat cells in mice to expand when combined with insulin. And that additionally, the fat cells grow larger in size.
BPA, found in plastic water bottles, food containers, and the linings of metal cans, is an endocrine disruptor. It mimics hormones, especially estrogen, and is linked to reproductive issues, developmental problems, and increased risk of obesity.
Ruling on the count: Drink properly filtered water from the tap, non-BPA plastic bottles or paper cartons. PLEASE.
Yes, your Honor, even tap water can contribute to weight gain. Dr. Durrant-Peatfield has demonstrated that fluoride in drinking water disrupts enzymes, particularly those regulating thyroid hormones, leading to significant underactivity of the thyroid gland. He further claims that children whose mothers consumed fluoridated water during pregnancy are more susceptible to obesity.
Curiously (or rather, abominably), the government decided long ago to fluoridate our tap water to prevent tooth decay in order to strengthen tooth enamel. Isn’t that so sweet? One so might think.
Ruling on the count: Avoid fluoride wherever possible and opt for fluoride-free alternatives, e.g., at the dentist.
While our home water system may not be filtering out fluoride, it may also be teeming with pernicious chloramine.
Chloramine is a chemical bond between chlorine—a known carcinogen—and ammonia, used to make chlorine’s disinfectant properties stronger and longer-lasting. Chloramine has been linked to a host of health issues, including hair loss, premature aging, skin outbreaks, extreme fatigue, and digestive disturbances that can lead to long-term weight gain. The evidence speaks unerringly for itself.
Ruling on the count: Research your home’s water quality and, if needed, invest in a whole-home filtration system, A-S-A-P. Systems can range from $2,500 to $15,000 depending on home size and provider. But a lowest budget option could be installing filtered shower heads.
Lead, once commonly used in plumbing, has now been mostly phased out due to its severe health risks, particularly on brain development. But alas, the materials that have replaced it—PVC and PEX—are just as harmful and equally culpable. And yet also guilefully accepted by the FDA.
PVC and PEX both leach harmful chemicals into our drinking water. When exposed to heat, PVC emits vinyl chloride and plasticizers—known endocrine disruptors that contribute to hormonal imbalances, weight gain, and even cancer. PEX releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals that also interfere with hormone regulation, similarly contributing to weight gain and other health issues.
Ruling on the count: Be mindful of your plumbing system and consider the health implications of the materials used in your home’s water infrastructure. As per drinking water, install a reverse osmosis system in addition to the overall water filtration system.
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