Animated by The Blog – Credits: Fornasetti & Solange Azzagury-Partridge

The Lover

We yearn to relate and cohabit in peace and harmony but often fail miserably in our efforts. But contentment–even bliss–is attainable. The Lover is your great mediator. Here we seek to provide the know-how to keep two worlds in blissful unity. 

While Cinderella and her prince did live “happily” ever after, the point, Dear Lovers, is that they lived.
How to deal with difficult people (and don’t be surprised to be surprised)
Power tools of wisdom I’ve picked up from the wise along the way
And I mean this in a good way
Ka-chow! Blaaaaaap! And Splunk to the heart. Real love is risky business
Poetic ways of celebrating our beloveds
Let’s release and embrace the idea that temporary but regular conflict is bad