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A cherry-picked selection of heavenly Classical and New Age compositions for your cherub
Photo credits: Helmut Newton for British Vogue – August 1969
November 2, 2023

Get ‘em cultured early. No child is too young to appreciate the rich and elegant compositions of Classical or New Age music. The Blog is especially fond of the oeuvres of Vivaldi, Sakamoto, and Enya which are uniquely powerful, visceral, and hauntingly beautiful. The effect their music can have actually has a name, “frisson.” Discovery defines frisson as:

“the phenomenon of chills or goosebumps that comes from a piece of music and one of the big mysteries of human nature since it was first described.”

Here to give you and your angel face full on chills and shivers is a medley of loud and soft, rich and subtle, thrilling and somber sounds. And for those moments you find yourself with an appetite for reverie and all four seasons of life:


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