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Animated by The Blog – Credits: Fornasetti 

The Parent

It is relatively easy to become a parent, but not so easy to be one. Oh the adventure of molding a budding new life! Parenting a child today is a heroic task, in truth an art. The Parent makes it its willful mission to provide the tools necessary to master this most paramount of crafts

Stop trying to control and tell a story instead
Are we haunted by the broken-record syndrome?
Contrary to common notions, children are not a “Tabula Rasa”
Why the first 3 years of life are magic
An analysis of (what can be) the purest love of all
Where oh where does bad behavior come from?
Adaptive intelligence is what we (and our schools) need to strive for
Thoughts to share with your teenager before they leave your nest, courtesy of Anne Lamott