The Name Is Galore, Pussy Galore
Pose, aim, and take your shot
Photo Credits: TheBlog
Our style is our license to thrill.
It’s a known fact, personal style is always a thrilling excursion into self-expression and a reflection to those around us of our unique taste, mood, intention, and general character and spirit. Our clothes are our golden gun, our invaluable tool in moving through the world. Before we say a single word, our style is already speaking for us. So. What’s on the menu, Ms. Galore? And how will you handle your weapon?
Thanks to Ian Fleming and film directors Terence Young, Guy Hamilton, Louis Gilbert, Peter Hunt, and John Glen, we’ve come to know and be inspired by a galore of daring women across 60 years of James Bond films. The dialogue from earlier decades, with 007’s playful innuendo and smooth talk with the ladies, remains especially entertaining to me. By today’s standards, such banter would be considered flagrantly politically-incorrect. Yet, as much as I love the game, I find no offense. I appreciate it for what it is.
True it is, these films often portrayed the Pussy Galores and such as ‘prizes’ to be won. They had to be sexy enough, stylish enough, and clever and skilled enough at playing into the male gaze to even qualify. Still, in fully embracing the seduction game and innuendo as playful exchange, I switch focus to how we, as women, use our wardrobe as a setting for creativity, freedom, and self-expression.”
[A side note, if I may: Daniel Craig, who played James Bond from Casino Royale (2006) through No Time to Die (2021), will now be starring as a gay man in his latest film, Queer. When asked at a festival press conference about the possibility of depicting a gay James Bond in a future film, he rolled his eyes with an “Oh please,” commenting “The reason I did this movie (Queer) is because of this great man right here. It’s the kind of film I want to see, I want to make. I want to be out there… I don’t look at it as a challenge, just a joy.”]
So here we go.
And yes, Pussy Galore ensembles can have a slew of powers to one up her target, but, let’s not forget, that at the end of the day, it’s really her aim and game sense that gets her through another Goldfinger day.
From Russia With Love
Tatiana: [Trying on dresses] I will wear this one in Piccadilly
James Bond: You won’t. They’ve just passed some new laws there.

Pussy Galore: My name is Pussy Galore
James Bond: I must be dreaming
James Bond: You’re a woman of many parts Pussy

Dr. No
Miss Moneypenny: You’ve never taken me to dinner…
James Bond: I would, you know. Only “M” would have me court-martialed for… illegal use of government equipment.

You Only Live Twice
Tiger Tanaka: [Bond being bathed by Tanaka’s women] You know what it is about you that fascinates them, don’t you? It’s the hair on your chest. Japanese men all have beautiful bare skin.
James Bond: Japanese proverb say, “Bird never make nest in bare tree.

You Only Live Twice
James Bond: [James is in bed with Ling, a Chinese woman] Why do Chinese girls taste different from all other girls?
Ling: You think we better, huh?
James Bond: No, just different. Like Peking Duck is different from Russian Caviar. But I love them both.
Ling: Darling, I give you very best duck.

On Her Majesty`s Secret Service
Irma Bunt: [A girl writes on Bond’s leg under the table, to which Bond makes an awkward face] Is anything ze matter, Sir Hilary?
James Bond: Just a slight stiffness coming on… in the shoulder.

Diamonds Are Forever
Plenty O’Toole: Hi, I’m Plenty.
James Bond: But of course you are.
Plenty O’Toole: Plenty O’Toole.
James Bond: Named after your father perhaps?
Diamonds Are Forever
James Bond: Weren’t you a blonde when I came in?
Tiffany Case: Could be.
James Bond: I tend to notice little things like that – whether a girl is a blonde or a brunette.
Tiffany Case: Which do you prefer?
James Bond: Well, as long as the collar and cuffs match…

Live And Let Die
Solitaire: [Bond has just explained the first two Lover’s Lessons to Solitaire] Is there time before we leave, for Lesson number 3?
James Bond: [Undressing] Of course. There’s no sense going out half-cocked.

The Man With The Golden Gun
James Bond: Good morning. How’s the water?
Chew Mee: Why don’t you come in and find out?
James Bond: Sounds very tempting, Miss…?
Chew Mee: Chew Mee.
James Bond: Really? Well, there’s only one small problem. I have no swimming trunks.
Chew Mee: Neither have I.

Live And Let Die
Miss Caruso: [As Bond unzips Miss Caruso’s dress with the magnet in his watch] Such a delicate touch.
James Bond: Sheer magnetism, darling.

The Spy Who Loved Me
Minister of Defence: Bond! What do you think you’re doing?
James Bond: Keeping the British end up, sir.

A View To Kill
James Bond: Well my dear, I take it you spend quite a lot of time in the saddle.
Jenny Flex: Yes, I love an early morning ride.
James Bond: Well, I’m an early riser myself.

The World Is Not Enough
James Bond: [In bed with Christmas Jones] I was wrong about you.
Dr. Christmas Jones: Yeah, how so?
James Bond: I thought Christmas only comes once a year.

A View To Kill
Max Zorin: [The morning after Bond sleeps with May Day] You slept well?
James Bond: A little restless but I got off eventually.

Xenia Onatopp: You don’t need the gun.
James Bond: Well, that depends on your definition of safe sex.

Tomorrow Never Dies
James Bond: [Whilst being in bed with his Scandinavian language tutor] I always enjoyed learning a new tongue.
Miss Moneypenny: You always were a cunning linguist, James.

The World Is Not Enough
The Cigar Girl: Would you like to check my figures?
James Bond: Oh, I’m sure they’re perfectly rounded.

Die Another Day
Verity: I see you handle your weapon well.
James Bond: I have been known to keep my tip up.

Signing out. Mission accomplished.