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I’ve Got A Bone To Pick With You

Make no bones about your bone health
Photo Credits: FW 2016 campaign for Marskinryyppy (an old shoeline of mine)
April 11, 2024

Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg “spilled” a truth when he stated in 1931: “The cause of disease can be simply described as excessive acidity in the body.”

Sundry publications have been written about physical health as it relates to acidity but Otto’s truth—after nearly an entire century—feels as if it needs more than ever to be “spilled” again. We all know of the consequences of excessive acidity in the body and have been told what we should and shouldn’t eat. We forget, though, that meds—all meds—are extremely acidic. We also forget that our supposedly “friendly” hormone cortisol actually doesn’t work in our best interest when we’re under stress, since it too amplifies the acidity in our system. We’ve been told which foods are more acidic and which are more alkaline—but what we’re not being told is that all food is acidic. Foods designated as “alkaline” only acidify the body to a lesser extent than those more acidic.

So what the devil has all this got to do with our robust calcium-rich bones?

Well, here is where I make no bones about bone health. The body—in its relentlessly dedicated service to us in looking out for our wellbeing—will compensate for acidity by putting out that acid fuego with calcium. Yes,‘tis true, calcium and acid are deadly arch-enemies. While we eliminate scale-buildup from our coffee maker with the acidity of vinegar or lemon juice, our body does the reverse in compensating for acidity. It uses calcium. If and when there isn’t enough calcium available in our diet, our resourceful body will extract it from elsewhere. This generally means leaching it from those gorgeously robust calcium structures we call our bones. And when this becomes the case, and perpetuates over time, osteoporosis sadly ensues.

Ladies, I’ve got a bone to pick especially with you. We know we’re more vulnerable to osteoporosis than our male counterparts. So are we taking necessary precautions? And are we doing so early enough?

According to my naturopath, Dr. Leeane Hutcherson, “It is crucial to increase calcium and mineral levels beginning in our 30s, also because those are predominantly childbearing years (and childbearing depletes a woman’s body of its vitamins and minerals). Since our bone mass continues to deteriorate as we move into our 40s and 50s, we need to continue increasing not only our calcium intake but also all the other vitamins and minerals that support our bone density. These include vitamin D3 (+K2), manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and selenium.”

She also states that, more importantly, we take care of our thyroid. But what’s thyroid function got to do with our bones? Calcitonin is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland that makes our bones strong. So to answer the question, EVERYTHING! Thyroid function is FUNDAMENTAL to bone health because if our thyroid is not in optimum function, then taking all the correct supplementation to promote bone density won’t make a smidgen of a difference. “Make sure thyroid levels are within range in your lab work, okay Pumpkin?”

Additional precautions to consider are:

· Avoid drinking coffee. Well, or for stubborns like myself at least TRY to reduce it significantly and/or switch to drinking matcha.
· Perhaps switch to raw milk, an outstanding source of dietary calcium. Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to absorb calcium from pasteurized milk, since the pasteurization process burns ALL the calcium in the milk, entirely.
· Make sure your vitamin D level is between 60-80 mL in your bloodwork. I personally use NuMedica Micellized Vit D3+K2 (2 dropperfuls x day and the taste is scrumptious 😋)

Make no bones about it. Prioritize them ole 🦴s while there’s still time.

[Do remember to consult with your healthcare professional/s for personalized guidance.]

Photo Credits: FW 2016 campaign for Marskinryyppy (an old shoeline of mine)


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