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A bias for the clock-face watch, and our top picks <$10K
Photo Credits: Javi’s IWC
August 1, 2023

Are you clock-faced or digitally biased? Here at The Blog, it is clear which of the two is favored. The innumerable and complex ways in which a clock-face watch can be designed is without a doubt what makes this piece of machinery so awe-inspiring. Yet there might be more significance to the clock-face than we might realize. Let’s tick and tock a bit deeper, shall we?

The traditional clock-face version has a hand that continuously (and reassuringly) circles round n’ round. The subliminal message is that there’ll be another tomorrow, another noon, another midnight, another Fall, another Spring. The perception with a traditional clock-face is that time is eternal and that it is constantly being restored. With each passing day, life goes round and starts over again. With a digital version, however, numbers go ticking away and disappear at a racing speed. Almost like a rug being pulled out from under us. The minutes constantly fleet away, and subconsciously, time is viciously unstoppable.

The classic clock-face watch will STOP and need a re-winding every now and then. And although time can never be truly stopped, the subliminal idea that we are in control and that Time might take an occasional pause is frankly quite nice.

That said, let’s move on to the coolest men’s clock-face watches under 10K:


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