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Health And Humanity Have Met In A Brilliant Teacup

A collection of teas to uplift your being, not only physically but spiritually… and with tea as your daily ritual, may you shine bright like a Koh-i-Noor diamond
Photo Credits: Tea at Abigail Hall. | Edited By TheBlog
May 30, 2024

Teaism is a cult founded on the adoration of the beautiful among the sordid facts of everyday existence.” 

-Okakura Kakuzo, 1906


Many may not think of it, but tea, like water, is as simple and yet perfect as can be. And “perfect” is a big word. And more than appropriate here.


Tea is a global unifier: from the Bohemian artist to the uppermost aristocrat, from the West to the East. No matter where, no matter who, teatime holds great cultural and health significance. Many cultures recognize its huge potential to edify (another big word, also very fitting here): To improve not only its drinker’s physical wellbeing but their character and habit. British afternoon tea, Japanese tea ceremonies, Chinese tea customs, Moroccan mint tea gatherings, Russian “zavarka,” and daily chai rituals in India… These are but a few cultural examples that well-recognize tea’s teeming teaism, but for those less in tune, I propose a serious initiation. I propose a new lifestyle, tealiciously and tealightfully tea-timed with one’s own personal customized tea ritual.


Is tea your cup of tea? 


I hope after this it will be. A tea ritual, even as simple as preparing a simple cup of tea, invites intellectual engagement, curiosity, patience, humility, and grace. It can serve as a practice for principles that extend into our daily lives. It’s claimed that embracing this often-overlooked custom can reflect independent thinking and appreciation for care and thoughtfulness. 


So take a seat, sip some tea, and lift your pinky, my devout Teaster.

And here, I hand you a go-to go-tea A to Z: 


Alfalfa Tea

First discovered by the Arabians, Alfalfa was named the “father of all foods.” Alfalfa is rich in iron, Vitamin A, B, E, D, and its leaf, rich in Vitamin K, has been historically used as a natural laxative and diuretic. Habitual use of aspirin, antibiotics, alcohol or drugs can destroy your Vitamin K supply. Alfalfa in these cases can offer a much-needed tune-up. It helps with Celiac disease, with lowering blood cholesterol, relieving arthritis, and alleviating hay fever and asthma symptoms. Abra-cad-alfa!


Aloe Leaf Tea 

Aloe tea is a well-respected digestive aid, especially for stubborn cases of constipation. It is antifungal and very effective in expelling parasites or worms from the intestinal tract. In Aloe Leaf, I belief.


Anise Tea

Traditionally known for tackling coughs, bronchitis, and asthma, anise is also a source of iron, aiding iron absorption, serving as a digestive aid and alleviating intestinal gas and discomfort. Its compounds, resembling the female sex hormone estrogen, make it useful for menopausal discomfort and promoting breast milk production. 


Astragalus Tea

In traditional Chinese medicine, astragalus is used to help strengthen the immune system and bolster energy. This herb also works as a diuretic, works to balance your body’s fluids, strengthens the cardiovascular system, invigorates your immune responses and aids in treating respiratory infections. American Cancer Society publications have reported its tremendous aid in restoring immune functions in cancer patients, bolstering white blood cell counts and supporting adrenal cortical function. It is also known as a catalyst to enhance the healing properties of other herbs (or teas). So I always combine it with another (or two). Yes, you’re fabulous astragalus!


Bergamot Tea

Bergamot tea is your calming night-time beverage. It’s been also scientifically proven to inhibit herpes simplex and related viruses, and shown to be highly effective for colds, flu, and sinus congestion. With zest in every pot of bergamot, it’s a lot the power you begot! 


Bilberries Tea

They’re known as the “shrub with something special.” Packed with anthocyanosides, bilberries are wonderful for visual acuity. Studies show their help in preventing cataract progression. Beyond vision benefits, bilberries aid circulation, treat colitis, stomach issues, and diabetes. Their antibacterial properties help reduce inflammation, protect the digestive tract, and reduce varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and capillary fragility. Ya get ease with bilberries.


Bitter Melon Tea

This magnificent tea has been used to assist in adult-onset diabetes by lowering blood sugar. Studies have shown that bitter melon can increase the number of beta cells (cells that secrete insulin) in the pancreas. Rich in iron, bitter melon has twice the beta carotene of broccoli, twice the calcium of spinach, contains vitamins C, B1-2-3, phosphorus and dietary fiber. It also aids symptoms of psoriasis. Let tranquility dwell on, with the magic of bitter melON!


Black Cohosh Tea

Black cohosh enhances blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, and eases rheumatism and arthritis symptoms. With estrogenic effects, it has been effectively used as a women’s tonic for uterine conditions, fertility, and menopause. It’s also been recognized for relieving ringing in the ears, or tinnitus. Oh gosh it’s so posh with black cohosh.


Burdock Root Tea

Chinese usage includes eliminating excess energy, detoxification, and cooling infections. Western practices incorporate it as a blood purifier, as it aids in uric acid accumulation and promotes liver health. With a sweet taste akin to celery root, sipping your burdock tea is a wonderful multifaceted approach to well-being. A real tribute, and humble salute, to the great burdock root! 


C-Blend Tea

Combining Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm Bark, and Turkish Rhubarb Root, C-Blend Tea synergistically supports detoxification and overall health. Rooted in Native American tradition, this blend aids in an overall natural healing process. Don’t you C?


Calendula Tea

Known as marigold, calendula’s benefits range from treating wounds to alleviating digestive issues. It’s recognized for its anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and hormone-balancing properties. 


Catnip Tea

With antibacterial, anti-fungal properties, catnip tea can be wonderful in treating headaches, stomachaches, and sleeplessness. Beyond traditional uses, it’s also been used for reducing cataract development, among sundry other conditions. Sip the catnip and flip the cootie trip!


Cat’s Claw Tea

Cat’s claw has a rich history of supporting immune function, acting against arthritis, fibromyalgia, and inflammation. Research has also explored its magnificent uses in treating cancer and AIDS.


Chamomile Tea (Matricaria recutita)

Chamomile has been renowned since ancient times for soothing digestive problems, relieving pain, and aiding restful sleep. Its many applications include teething pains, colic relief, and anti-inflammatory effects on wounds and skin disorders.


Chaste Tree Berries Tea (Vitex)

Super effective for women’s health, chaste tree berries balance hormones, alleviate menstrual symptoms, and aid conditions like acne. It also promotes breast milk production, and helps to treat PMS and regulate irregular periods.


Chickweed Tea

Traditionally used for cold congestion, chickweed’s anti-inflammatory properties are effective in soothing respiratory systems. Rich in nutrients, it’s also been used as a weight loss aid.


Cranberries Tea

Considered a superfood, cranberry tea offers antioxidant properties, preventing gum disease, and supporting overall health. Known for treating infections (especially UTI’s) and contributing to maintaining healthy gums, this tea contains so many essential nutrients. 


Corn Silk Tea

Sweet and soothing, corn silk detoxifies, relaxes, and possesses antiseptic properties. Used for urinary system infections, it addresses issues like cystitis and bed-wetting. Additionally, it’s been used to help reduce blood clotting time and manage high blood pressure.


Dandelion Root Tea

A blood purifier, dandelion root aids kidneys and liver for improved elimination. Its been shown to be very beneficial as a diuretic in replenishing potassium and aiding against fungal infections. Boot the soot with dandelion root! 


Dong Quai Tea

Considered a female master herb, dong quai supports gynecological health, regulating hormones, and alleviating cramps and hot flashes. 


Echinacea Tea

Widely known for immune support, echinacea shortens cold and flu duration, significantly reducing symptoms. 


Elder Flower & Elder Berry Tea

Elder flower and berry offer expectorant, circulatory, and anti-viral properties. Wonderful for chronic congestion, allergies, and respiratory issues. 


Eleuthero Root Tea

Adaptogenic eleuthero root aids in stress adaptation, supporting the immune system, adrenal glands, and overall vitality. With cardiotonic qualities, it enhances memory, endurance, and hormone balance. When calm is your pursuit, turn to the eleuthero root!


Essiac Tea

A blend of burdock root, slippery elm inner bark, sheep sorrel, and Indian rhubarb root, Essiac Tea normalizes body systems, promoting blood cleansing and effective assimilation and elimination. Classic, magic, fantastic essiac.


Eucalyptus Leaf Tea

Used in remedies for coughs and colds, eucalyptus leaf tea has antibacterial properties. It’s also known for stopping snoring. Your sniffle n’ snore relief is with eucalyptus leaf!


Eyebright Tea

Eyebright’s astringent and antibiotic properties make it useful for eye, ear, sinus, and nasal conditions. Its anti-mucus quality also makes it a wonderful aid for general infections and allergies. My eyes go bright with the delight of eyebright!


Fennel Tea

Fennel has been renowned for treating digestive issues since ancient Egyptian times, and is supported by recent studies confirming its efficacy as a digestive aid. It has shown to relieve intestinal spasms and cramping in the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract. Commission E, an expert panel in Germany, endorses fennel for addressing digestive upsets, including indigestion, gas pains, irritable bowel syndrome, and infant colic. Some studies suggest fennel’s effectiveness is comparable to popular antacids like Mylanta, Gaviscon, and Maalox! Fennel is also a key ingredient in many herbal formulas designed to balance hormones in menopausal and premenstrual women, acting as a phytoestrogen that stimulates estrogenic effects in the body.


Fenugreek Seed Tea

Fenugreek is an age-old herb cultivated in Greece, Egypt, and China, offering numerous benefits to the respiratory system and an effective remedy for lung disorders. It is also traditionally used to maintain digestive health. 


Feverfew Tea 

Feverfew has shown to be effective in alleviating migraines and arthritis, since it contains parthenolide which helps prevent blood vessels from dilating. Peace anew with feverfew!


Goldenseal Tea

Goldenseal contains hydrastine and berberine which are valuable in treating infection, inflammation, and congestion, and with aiding in lowering blood pressure and combating bacterial and viral infections. Goldenseal the deal!


Ginger Tea

Aromatic and spicy ginger root, as we all well know, serves as a remedy for indigestion, colic, diarrhea, and upset stomachs. It possesses strong anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, making it useful for conditions such as arthritis. Don’t let your troubles linger, embrace the Mighty Ginger! 


Ginseng Tea 

Ginseng, known as an adaptogen, can help regulate different bodily functions, enhancing mental and physical efficiency and resistance to stress and disease. It stimulates the central nervous system and the immune system, offering protection against cell damage from radiation.


Gotu Kola Tea

Gotu Kola used medicinally for centuries, stimulates skin cell and connective tissue regeneration, aiding in the treatment of skin inflammations, improving blood circulation, and relieving varicose veins. Recent studies suggest support for healthy memory function as well. Gotu kola will gently roll-ya.


Hawthorn Berries Tea

recognized for treating angina, coronary artery disease, and circulatory issues, normalizes the heart and circulation. It can help enhance poor memory when combined with ginkgo and serves as a potent heart tonic with antioxidant-rich bioflavonoids.


Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus, known to relax muscles, lower blood pressure, and control cholesterol, also purifies the blood, improves skin complexion, and promotes hair growth. It’s also super rich in Vitamin C to help the immune system. With a viscous color like hibiscus, it’s no wonder this power is delicious! 


Honeybush Tea

Honeybush, exclusive to South Africa, offers a naturally low-tannin, caffeine-free tea with a honey and apricot taste. Historically it’s been used to calm coughs, support nursing mothers, and alleviate infant colic, providing a soothing, stress-relieving effect. Ah honeybush with your healing hush!


Hops Flower Tea

Hops flower possesses calming properties that aid in promoting restful sleep. It supports milk production in nursing mothers and also contains plant estrogens that may alleviate common symptoms of PMS and menopause. All this power in just one flower! 


Horsetail Tea 

Horsetail has the ability to control heavy bleeding from injuries, nosebleeds, and menstruation. It aids in repairing serious lung damage, promotes skin, hair, and nail elasticity, and facilitates calcium absorption. In need of a healing bale? Turn to the horsetail!


Hyssop Tea

Hyssop is recognized as an expectorant, effectively treating lung conditions like bronchitis, particularly with excessive mucus production. Studies indicate its anti-viral properties against the herpes simplex virus. It is wonderful for purifying the body, contains inflammation-reducing ursolic acid, and serves as a sore throat gargle. It historically played a role in cleansing rituals and is considered effective for gas, bloating, cramping, and urinary tract cleansing.


Jasmine Tea

Jasmine flowers and green tea are often paired together to induce a calming and soothing effect on the body. This powerful antioxidant may hinder the absorption of fat and cholesterol, with jasmine’s scent and relaxing properties contributing to its reputation as an aphrodisiac.


Juniper Berry Tea

Using its green, unripe berries, Juniper Berry can act as a diuretic, stimulant, and carminative. It addresses urinary infections, helps clear acid wastes in arthritis and gout cases, and exhibits potent antiviral compounds against flu and herpes viruses. Its berries possess strong antiseptic properties effective in clearing infections like cystitis.


Kava Kava Tea 

Kava kava promotes relaxation, well-being, and improved mental function, akin to tranquilizers but without side effects like mental fog or drowsiness. How great is that?! It’s used for restless leg syndrome, menstrual cramps, urinary tract infections, headaches, and toothaches. Caution is advised for pregnant or nursing individuals, those with liver disease, and when combined with alcohol.


Milk Thistle Tea 

Due to its key component, silymarin, milk thistle safeguards the liver from toxins, encouraging self-cleansing from substances like alcohol, drugs, medications, mercury, heavy metals, and pesticides. 


Marshmallow Tea 

Both its leaf and root are wonderful for protecting and soothing the body’s mucous membranes, countering excess stomach acid, and reducing gallstone inflammation. Its detoxifying properties make it a useful aid in arthritis,laxative and infection treatments. High in pectin, marshmallow root also helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, brings relief to dry coughs, and eases bronchial congestion.


Nettle Leaf Tea

A natural blood builder, nettle leaf addresses anemia and poor circulation, as it is rich in vitamins like zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron, and Vitamin C. It’s used for hay fever relief, bronchial congestion, diuretic effects, appetite reduction, and as an ingredient in hair treatments.


Oat Straw Tea 

This is your whole-system toner. It Increases internal heat, dispels chills, and enhances metabolism and circulation. Rich in calcium, magnesium, B-complex vitamins, and Vitamin A, it aids in building healthy bones, hair, skin, and nails. Historically used for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, rheumatic conditions, and withdrawal from tobacco addiction, oats are also employed in baths for skin conditions and calming effects. What a draw the golden Oat Straw! 


Olive Leaf Tea 

The olive leaf tree carries historical significance, as it is recognized as the first botanical in the Bible and termed the “Tree of Life.” Renowned for its health benefits, this tea features antioxidants, like oleuropein, which combat harmful bacteria while preserving the beneficial ones. Effective against common cold viruses, olive leaf tea may aid in shortening outbreaks of shingles, cold sores, and herpes by bolstering the immune system. Clinical research underscores its powers against various infections, with lab tests confirming its potency against 56 pathogens, all while delivering a mild, sweet aroma and delightful taste! It’s a relief motif in the Olive Leaf! 


Passionflower Tea 

This flower stands out as a natural sleep aid. Its flavorful fruit and flowers can be consumed raw or cooked, offering versatile culinary applications. Recent studies highlight flavonoids in passionflower as key contributors to its relaxing and anti-anxiety effects. Widely used in alternative medicine, it can help with  issues like insomnia, nervous tension, irritability, neuralgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and premenstrual tension. All this power in just one flower! 


Papaya Leaf Tea 

Papaya leaf has cancer-fighting potential and boasts papain enzyme benefits for protein digestion. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, it promotes cardiovascular health, defends against cancer, atherosclerosis, and diabetic heart disease, and enhances mental alertness. Incredible! Traditionally brewed, papaya leaf tea is recommended for alternative cancer therapy in numerous countries, recognized as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the FDA. 


Parsley Leaf Tea 

Parsley is a potent healing herb, concentrated with chlorophyll, B vitamins, vitamins C and K, potassium, and iron. Renowned for breath freshening and skin promotion, parsley tea aids digestion by increasing blood flow to digestive organs. It serves as a strengthening diuretic, addressing liver, kidney, and bladder issues, functioning as a digestive aid, blood tonic, and immune enhancer. Oh good grief, what a leaf!


Peppermint Tea

Rich in B vitamins, calcium, and potassium, peppermint has a traditional use for soothing stomach upset, calming intestinal muscles, and relieving spasms. As a caffeine-free digestive aid, it alleviates bloating and indigestion. While human clinical trials on peppermint tea are limited, anecdotal evidence proves its benefits in easing irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, weakness, headaches, controlling mild asthma, managing stress, and combating the common cold, with its minty flavor providing breath freshness. How this mint leaves its imprint!


Plantain Leaf Tea 

Renowned for its “first aid” properties, this leaf offers relief from bee stings, insect bites, spider bites, and rashes caused by poison ivy and stinging nettles. Its crushed leaves can swiftly stop bleeding from open wounds, with antibacterial properties aiding in tissue healing. A robust cup of plantain tea can soothe indigestion, while its crushed leaves can alleviate toothaches. Research confirms plantain’s anti-inflammatory attributes, suggesting potential protection against tumors and reducing liver damage from chemotherapy drugs. As if all this is not enough, plantain also induces a natural aversion to tobacco. All this relief in just one leaf! 


Raspberry Tea

A staple in traditional herbal medicine, raspberry tea enhances fertility in both men and women. Red raspberry leaves, rich in vitamins C, E, A, and B, along with minerals, act as an astringent for irritated skin, gums, and sore throats. It has been recognized for promoting healthy menstruation, relieving menstrual cramps and toning the uterus during pregnancy. Red raspberry leaf tea is a general blood purifier. I hail to thee, oh raspberry tea!


Red Clover Tea

With a history of treating acne, allergies, and addiction, red clover serves as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Its phytoestrogens, akin to female hormones, make it beneficial for respiratory issues. It’s also wonderful in helping with menopausal symptoms, breast pain, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, and prostate enlargement symptoms. The marvels to uncover with calming red clover!


Rooibos Tea 

Crafted from fermented leaves, rooibos stands out for its caffeine-free profile and is rich in fluoride which helps prevent tooth decay. Rooibos contains calcium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants, relieving allergy, eczema, hay fever, and asthma symptoms. Topically, it eases redness and irritation for eczema and rashes, and also, dear Anatomists and Aesthetes, an enzyme discovered in rooibos is believed to delay aging. It’s glows and repose and no more throes for us hoes with rooibos!


Rosemary Tea

Supported by studies, rosemary enhances circulation, reduces headaches, and fights bacterial and fungal infections. As a digestive aid, it improves food absorption, acts as an antiseptic gargle for sore throats, and possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that may alleviate headaches and migraines. Rosemary is also linked to memory improvement. Herbary rosemary, a culinary honorary, you’re a luminary legendary!


Sage Tea

Sage as you age. Why? It has one of the longest histories of use, traditionally aiding in mild depression, increasing alertness, raising mood, relieving anxiety, and decreasing inflammation. It’s known for soothing sore throats, mouth/gum irritations, and reducing excessive sweating. I page the Sage! 


Saw Palmetto Tea

Recognized for preventing testosterone conversion to DHT, saw palmetto is popular for prostate problems. Rich in fatty acids and phytosterols, it stimulates appetite, aids digestion, and strengthens the bladder. 


Senna Leaf Tea

Senna Leaf offers relief for constipation, and is an active ingredient in many over-the-counter laxatives, with a caution against use during pregnancy or nursing. 


Skullcap Tea

A powerful herb in the mint family, skullcap improves blood flow to the brain, inhibits muscle spasms, and acts as a sedative. Historically used for allergies, high blood pressure, insomnia, and prostate problems, it is considered an alternative medicine for treating ADD and nerve disorders.


Slippery Elm Bark Tea

Slippery elm bark has proven effective for digestive problems, particularly diarrhea, with soothing and astringent properties. It’s valued for treating inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and urinary problems.


Spearmint Tea

Spearmint has been known since ancient times to treat nausea, heartburn, indigestion, morning sickness, and motion sickness. Its essential oil is used for stiffness, muscle soreness, rheumatism and hair follicle stimulation when applied directly to the scalp. 


Tulsi Tea (Holy Basil)

sacred in India for over 5000 years, serves as an adaptogen, aiding the body in adapting to stress. Rich in antioxidants, it also possesses antibacterial and immune-enhancing properties, promoting a calm yet energized mood. Serenity unfurls with the swirl of Holy Basil! 


Turmeric Tea

Rooted in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, turmeric as we know relies on curcumin for powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial effects. It is well-noted for relieving arthritic pain, stimulating digestion, and boosting liver function. The magic of turmeric… to no longer bear the ick.


Valerian Tea

Traditionally used for insomnia, anxiety, headaches, muscle spasms, and restlessness, valerian sedates the central nervous system, promoting relaxation and restful sleep. It can also assist in treating menstrual cramps and irritable bowel syndrome. You’re my dreamsarian, Valerian!


White Oak Bark Tea

Known for its healing properties, white oak bark functions as a natural astringent, making it suitable for sore throat gargles, including antioxidants for immune support. 


Wild Cherry Bark Tea

A Native American remedy for sore throat, colds, asthma, and bronchitis, wild cherry bark is prevalent in modern cough remedies. You’re wild, you’re cherry, you’re everything merry!


White Tea

Minimally processed and rich in polyphenols, white tea boasts antioxidant properties, containing a small amount of caffeine compared to green tea.


Yarrow Herb Tea 

This marvelous herb promotes circulation and lowers blood pressure and has been used in herbal medicine to stop excessive bleeding, addressing heavy menstruation, postpartum bleeding, and hemorrhoids. Where there is harrow, turn to yarrow! 


Yerba Mate Tea 

Yerba mate increases energy with natural caffeine, offering vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


Oolong Tea, Black Tea, and Green Tea

These teas, sourced from the camellia plant, deliver ten times the antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables! They are rich in polyphenols, serving as potent antioxidants that modify metabolism to detoxify harmful chemicals. The differences lie in the processing method, with green tea leaves being withered and steamed, while black and oolong tea leaves undergo a crushing and fermenting process. 


I’ve left out Matcha tea because it is not your ordinary tea. It is a superfood. And I would need an entirely separate post to tribute my undying love for this Supertea.


What would the world do without tea?

[I buy from organic tea brands Buddha Teas and Traditional Medicinals, which offer all if not most of these.]
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