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…. when you’ve fallen emotionally, that is.
Photo Credits: Guy Bourdin, Vogue France 1977, Edited By The Blog
August 1, 2023

Why daisy for this expression? Well, a daisy stands proudly tall, flaunting its robust appearance. As all flowers, it is a wonder to be reckoned with, vital in every aspect— in its fragrance, its enduring beauty, and ah yes, its healing powers. Have you been to Manhattan in the springtime? Ubiquitous “tough” tulips thrive in pride, and in one of the most high-pollutant high-octane environments, mind you. It is no surprise that so many flower idioms reference their prestige. Flowers are exceedingly more powerful than we realize.

Apart from the daily enrichment their fragrance and beauty lend to our lives, their essences provide a potent alternative to meds such as Xanax or Prozac and have proven to snip symptoms of anxiety and depression in the bud. Not only that, but they can aid in opening mental clarity, sprouting creativity, and brightening our decision-making skills. These essences, extracted from certain fresh flower blossoms, imprint water with a particular miraculous energetic patterning. These vibrational remedies have the power to address specific emotional states and can positively affect even our overall well being.




Flower essences were discovered in the early 1930’s thanks to Dr. Edward Bach, who quest past traditional medicine to find alternative ways to heal the body. He discovered that flower essences carry a particular energy or vibration of the flower from which they are derived.

Remedies typically come in the form of sprays and tinctures. It is advised to take one remedy for a sum of two weeks, 1 dropperful (7 drops) morning and night of the tincture or 3 sprays under the tongue morning and night.


Australian Bush Flower Essences
Is an Australian-based on-line stop for information and ready-made flower essence products, not only in the form of remedies, but also as skincare products. I’ve tested several of their drop remedies as well as their Emergency and Body Beautiful Organic Essence Creams. I’ve also tested their Fuss-pot spray on my daughter during notoriously fussy moments, and I’ve found every one of these remedies to be strikingly effective.

Is a U.S.-based on-line boutique for flower-essence elixirs, mists (for pets as well), anointed oils, flower essence-infused bath salts and chocolate. They also offer virtual consultations along with transformative healing modalities like acupuncture, meditation, and applied kinesiology. Their elixirs are honey-based, therefore not suitable for a diabetic. But I’ve used their mists and am especially fond of Divine Within and Expansive Presence.

Offers one-on-one mentorship as well as tailor-made flower essence products. Ethnopharm was founded and is headed by Kerri Hughes, Ethnobotanist & Herbalist, MS, for 20 years. She is also the author of two books offering extensive information on the subject:

– Botanicals With Benefits ( Edible Flower Volume): shop link

– Botanicals With Benefits (Aromatic Plants Volume): shop link

Kerri was warm and quick to understand my needs, and her flower-essence therapy was impressively specific, strategic and powerful (I had zany dreams when taking them).

Wildflower Clinic
Is another wonderful resource based in Colorado. Founded and headed by Dana Hutchinson, Wildflower offers not only flower essence therapy, but various other alternative therapies, mentorship and products. She offers herbal medicine and Qi-gong energy therapies which do not require in-house sessions and are custom-tailored to each client. Dana is personable, understanding and precise, and her herbal and floral essence therapies work beautifully.

Photo Credits: Solange Azagury Partridge


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