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Wickedly Yours, Madrid

Madrid is where you’ll sip a glass of overflowing Life, properly chilled.

Photo Credits: The Blog

December 21, 2023

Madrid loves gossip. It is wickedly gossipy. It is chatty this and chatty that while you smoke a ciggie—or puff mango-flavored vapings—in between the second or third course of a meal. It’s hours after hours of food, Rioja and idle talk and laughter, where—with the smoke-skill of two magicians—the server and my hubbo Javi swiftly conjure up full wine glasses so that every moment is FULL. Life here overflows. But more than this, Madrid is where we can feed the wilder, more insistent hungers for giddy indiscretions, hush-hush tales and succulent wicked fun. 

I lived for a few years in Madrid and now—every year—spend a good sum of 2 months there. I know it quite well, which is why I can resolutely declare that when I’m there, it reorients my brain. The electric vibe, the people and of course the food move me from feeling that the universe is massive, unknowable, and indifferent to feeling that I can live more than agreeably in a world full of increasingly disagreeable surprises. 

Since I’ve always experienced Madrid as a foreigner (well-immersed but foreigner nonetheless), I feel as if I’m fleeing mischievously from my daily routines, responsibilities and the ritual, monotonous planning to feed me and my beloveds. In Madrid, it’s as if I’m sneaking away from the repetition of my quotidian realities because there’s always more to try and discover. There’s never a possibility to feel uninspired. Only continuous possibilities for invigorating a lust for life.

Madrid is energy. Ongoing movement, chatter, attention, copas, food…and fun, round the clock. 

The countless and magnificent food markets are, well, my dream. An insatiable excitement, of which I’ll never tire. El Club Gourmet, Mercado de la Paz and de San Anton are my equivalent of FAO Shwartz to a child. As per its shops, museums, and city’s aesthetic, I find these to be some of the best Europe has to offer. And then you have Madrid’s literally endless number of gastronomic restaurants. 

Beloved Madrid, I am yours. And you are mine, to teach and indulge me in the art of eating and mingling. You are mine, to reminisce and boast of with your dreamy food, your chattiest and delightfully wickedest of company, your conversations about what is liked and what is not, who did this and who did that 😮🤫🤭😂. Take me, as I yield wholeheartedly, every time, to breathe in the air, the warmth, and the love that you gift by means of your food, your wine and your delectably juicy chatter.


Greetings as you walk through the door (and txangurro—spider crab—on its way to your table)


What more could my words say that these photos don’t already wholly and eloquently express? 


You can imagine my delight—and hyperventilation—when I’m in this paradise..


For a proper and just description slash impression of this flagship of all flagships, hop over to —> LOEWE LOVE


“Estimar” in English has several meanings: to estimate or calculate, to gauge in thought, and to appreciate and esteem.  This restaurant’s name does it great justice. 


I reminisce and re-relish… estimo y re-estimo…

For the best of the best of the best coffee, there is CAFE TOMA

And for the most notable of all boutiques for Eyewear, there is OPTICA DAMA DE AYALA

And with this amusing photo of my father, I’d like to end on this note: 

Pipe ashes, night glasses

Tick tock, hear the wind lick the window

Ignited, you’re invited

Growing, sprouting from the backbone

Dream machine 

… you don’t know what you came for

(Dream Machine, Mark Farina)

But trust, it’ll be wicked good.




Madrid’s Can’t Miss:



Villa Magna

Mandarin Oriental

Santo Mauro




The Fix 

Angelica Cafe



Hotel ISA


Villa Magna 


Amazonico Jazz Bar



Bascoat (best resto, under sonia goto)


Sushi 99




Restaurante Triciclo (Calle Santa Maria 28)

Desde 1911


Maison Macao

Nunuka Madrid


El Paraguas

Numa Pompilio 

La Bien Aparecida

Restaurante La Parra




Just One Madrid (for best men’s and women’s bespoke)


Perfumeria Nadia 

El Corte Inglés

Loewe (best flagship)

Optica Dama de Ayala



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