According to Wayne Dyer:
There are no justified resentments:
No one ever dies from a snake bite.
It’s the venom that ends up killing you.
If we asked wise and respected Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about how to handle our resentment, he’d say:
Don’t forgive them! (sarcastically)
Whatever is easy for you, do that. Never forgive them! Punish yourself! Anger is the punishment you give to yourself for another’s mistake. Anyone you don’t forgive will occupy your upper chamber (head) without paying rent. Why do you want to have a tenant that you don’t even like? My dear, people whom you don’t want to forgive, go into their psyche and see why they are behaving that way. They aren’t as intelligent as you are. They aren’t as compassionate. They are with their own problems, issues, and small mind. They’ve had no opportunity to grow spiritually, emotionally. Have compassion for them.
But to forgive can feel completely unjust. It goes beyond “easier said than done.” Where’s the justice? And how can we make forgiving easy, not only in theory, but in practice? The answer?
Hard, consistent mental work, which then translates to emotional change. Darn it, I know. More darned work.
But Louise Hay offers an incredible tool through her affirmations. She’s an author I’ve always referred to since I was 16 years old when I read Heal Your Body, her first book published in 1981. I most definitely recommend reading any of her books or watching some of her Youtube channels which can be quite eye-opening and extremely useful. Regarding the theme of forgiveness, she makes the following astute point and offers these affirmations. And remember, remember, remember, that to hone such a skill is through conscious repetition, repetition, repetition…
“People in our lives may behave in ways that trigger uncomfortable responses in us. However, they did not get into our minds and create the buttons that have been pushed. Taking responsibility for our own feelings and reactions is mastering our ability to respond. We learn to consciously choose rather than just react. There is a difference between forgiveness and acceptance. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you condone their behavior. The reality of true forgiveness lies in setting ourselves free from holding on to the pain, releasing yourself from the negative energy and/or taking a stand and setting healthy boundaries for yourself. You CAN choose to think thoughts that make you feel good right now.”
I move through forgiveness to love.
The past is over so it has no power now.
It is no fun being a victim. I refuse to be helpless any more. I claim my own power.
I give myself the gift of freedom from the past and move with joy into the now.
There is no problem too big that cannot be solved with love.
I am ready to be healed and willing to forgive.
I know that old negative patterns only limit me and I let go of them with ease.
I forgive myself for not being perfect.
So join me, and raise your glass. A toast to forgiveness. A toast to keeping our “upper chambers” in peace.
Onward and cheers
How ’bout me not blaming you for everything?
How ’bout me enjoying the moment for once?
How ’bout how good it feels to finally forgive you?
How ’bout grieving it all one at a time?
—Thank you, Alanis Morissette
Thank you, Sri Sri, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, and Alanis 🙏
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