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Agent Double O Heaven

I bond. I crave to bond.
Photo credits: Schiaparelli Spring 2022 campaign, with my face and a spiffy pair of secret agent multi-focals
December 28, 2023

A bit cynical, yes, we live in a tough cold world: out there in the macrocosm as well as privately within the microcosm of our homes and our very minds. “The world is arming faster than we can respond” (James Bond). We’ve only begun to recover from Covid and the innumerable changes it incurred only to now confront the uncertainties AI poses for our future. We are all vulnerable to the insidious schemes of certain multinational corporations, and still have to deal with the occasional chaos that springs from our personal lives. What we juggle and cope with today is pretty tremendous. Xanax and other anti-anxiety meds are an option. But is that the real answer to quell our inquietude within?

Our greatest testimony in times like these is a very simple word that encompasses kindness, compassion, and forgiveness, towards others and ourselves.


The only way to survive this mess of a world, is to work our humor, hone our detachment from negativity, and be powerful agents of Mercy. Let’s think on these points:

1- The very destroyer of being merciful is being too busy, too distracted. When we give someone our attention, what we are truly demonstrating is an act of love, and quite possibly the highest form of love. If we care, we are aware. We can open our hearts and ears for people’s unmet needs. And hand them a shaken, not stirred, martini of Mercy.

2- We don’t have to be offended by another’s deplorable behavior. Easier said than done, yes, BUT there is greater merit in achieving something hard to do. It’s hard to look out for someone when we are looking down on them. We can come from a place of understanding and compassion while at the same time set personal boundaries. We have a License for Mercy, so let’s use it. Think of yourself as a sort of licensed emotional troubleshooter. If hurt people hurt people, be the Secret Mercy Agent that lifts a hurt heart. Merit saving people over being right. Pay back with a blessing. Be the example.

3- Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. We’re all grieving one way or another. For our loss of youth, innocence, freedom, perfect health, or peace of mind. We should be treating each other and ourselves just as we would someone who has lost a loved one. Another one’s enemy is our enemy. Be that person that gives people and yourself soulful support.

4- When you get, give. When you learn, teach. Giving back comes from a place of gratitude and appreciation. We only live once, but our skills for Mercy will survive long after we’re gone.

5- Be an undercover agent who brings magic or pleasant surprises into people’s lives. Magic animates. Just witness what the idea of magic does for children. Why don’t we use our humor and soul to connect, brighten and exemplify Mercy. Diamonds from the heart are forever.

Let’s not make this world tougher and colder.

--From Mercy with Love.


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