Let’s consider for a moment reversing the idiom, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Can mentally seeing something produce believable effects? In a process called neuroplasticity, you can actually POWER UP your brain, your cells, and even your genes. You might have heard of Epigenetics, a concept coined in 1990 by Dr. Bruce Lipton. As the prefix “Epi-” means “above,” epigenetics means control ABOVE the genes. I’ve pieced a nice synopsis together from an explanation Dr. Lipton gives on Youtube:
“The movie, The Matrix, is not science fiction, it is a documentary.
Theta is imagination, the state children in their first 7 years of life are in. Theta is also hypnosis. The subconscious mind learns in two fundamental ways. Hypnosis and practice or repetition.
Wherever you may be struggling, inevitably there is an [internal] program that does not support that destination you are looking for. If you buy the old “genes control your life” story, then you’re a victim… [Consider] the placebo effect. Statistically at least 1/3 of all medical intervention is a placebo effect (!!!!!!!!!). Placebo is about positive thinking. How does positive thinking then affect our evolution, as physical, emotional, intelligible beings?
Our perception of the environment can change our genetic activity. So that means you can control your genes. WITH THAT YOU’VE GONE FROM VICTIM TO MASTERY.”
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