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When we observe people, we tend to make up stories about them. But do we really know?
Intimacy begins with looking inward to reconnect better with your partner (or anyone)
Tips on how to keep the poison of resentment at bay
I love you. Fuck Off. Welcome to Marriage.
Take just about everything—even hated things—as inspiration and blend it all together in the Mix-Master of your mind.
When the crazies and the warmongers finally come together, in peace…
Pointers on how to keep our reptilian brain in check
Choosing melancholy over anger is a much saner, healthier, wiser and stronger way to mend a broken heart.
Let’s face it. It’s hard to digest but it must be swallowed: Romantic love is not sustainable.
To wield your power, use this profoundly instinctual desire towards yourself