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The Powerful And The Powerless

With great responsibility comes great power
Sofia age 2.5 years
November 2, 2023

Suddenly I find that I am a full-time servant, chef, butler, secretary, manager, educator, physical- mental- and emotional-guide, chauffeur, therapist, full-financial provider, biographer, coach, photographer, stylist and future planner to the likes of a 3-year old. YES, day in and day out to no definitive end. Some moments, I feel like I’ve lost my personal power and time, and sapped of energy.

But then, I remember the adage from Spider-Man, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Only, in this case it’s switched around. I behold and know all too well the daunting influence of my own workings, watching as my daughter reflects my habits, choice of words, gestures, taste and manners back to me. Here in my hands, I (as every other parent) hold a responsibility and hence a power so great as to be the chief director and architect of an entity more complex and intriguing than even the greatest masterpiece or technology.

Although I may reach the limits of my patience and energy—feeling powerless—at times, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Paradoxically, I am equally empowered (and intrigued) by the revelations and indirect lessons this petite being of mine brings forth.

The truth is: these teeny entities are reciprocally powerless and powerful in relation to us parents.

Here to elaborate upon this interesting perspective is Sofia, of 3-years old. With utmost sternness (and then a smug smirk), she transmits (quite shrewdly and guilefully, I must say) that “we children have the most effective way of revealing truths to you adults. Stay tuned as it only gets better.”

Another point comes to light. Since we accept their ability to wield (unyielding) control over our personal freedom, why is it so difficult for us to extend this acceptance (to a reasonable degree) to our spouses? We don’t seem to have nearly as much patience and tolerance towards our partners for their demands, attempts to control, or the occasional misbehavin’. Our partner came into our life to mold and shape us, to help us expand (whether directly or indirectly). Food for thought: should we—COULD we—try to extend this fascinating powerful-powerless dynamic to our spouses?


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